You are here! I built this site from scratch in a text editor, using only bare HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and PHP - no intermediary frameworks or libraries! This is hosted on a 2GB Raspberry Pi 4B.
In addition to this site, I also implemented and currently host the Sakuraverse website - go check it out!
Whilst none have reached what I'd consider to be a playable state to date, I've worked on game projects for over 15 years at this point. Most have been on Roblox, running the gamut of genres from shooters, to RPGs, to RTSes, and even puzzle games - but I've recently also started working in the Godot engine.
A non-exhaustive list of the more ambitious games I've prototyped on Roblox to date includes:
Onante Shipyards
- Genre: Tactical FPS
- Started: 2012
Currently in its 7th iteration, working title "Onante Shipyards" is my oldest game project, and was always intended to be a team-based tactical shooter - two factions fighting to establish control over the ground facilities of the titular shipyards.
Vehicles play an important role in the game due to the large map, though no one vehicle excels; ground vehicles will be hampered by impassable terrain in places, boats are restricted to the marina in the center of the map, and pilots would be wise not to fly aircraft into the nearby city's no-fly zones.
Also of note is espionage - computer terminals can be breached, allowing the theft of fabrication schematics, sabotage of facilities, or simply to retrieve logs for those interested in the game's lore.
This has been a particularly fun project to work on. Most of the iterations were owing to me wanting to try new map layouts, though two arose from rewrites of the game's foundation from scratch with lessons learned.
- Genre: 3D Space Shooter
- Started: 2019
A small scale spaceship combat game, combining newtonian flight mechanics with arcade team-based game modes. As of writing, this project is on hold due to difficulty in creating its 3D assets, but most of the flight model is complete.
Ship damage modelling is relatively simple - only shields and hull as discrete values with their own damage type resistances. This was something I planned to expand on for my next game (see below), to include things like armour and penetration, module damage, and malfunctions.
One mechanic I had in mind for this game later on was the ability to leave the cockpit to perform EVAs - this would allow limited boarding of stations through maintenance airlocks, or the sabotage of station facilities and defences.
Ad Astra
- Genre: Vehicle Sim RTS
- Started: 2021
A co-operative (optionally team-based competitive) spaceship crew simulation game, with more in-depth damage modelling than STARLITE to keep players on their toes. Players work together to keep their starship operational in deep space whilst they aim to achieve tasks ranging from mining and salvage operations to strike operations.
Taking strong inspiration from Carrier Command, the starship in question can equip and deploy smaller units suited for different roles, or move in to solve the problem directly, with all the risk that entails. Crew roles range from helming and navigation, to logistics, to unit command, and finally engineering and damage control.
Boarding action was planned for later on in development to take full advantage of the modelled interior. Allowing the ship's captain to remodel the interior entirely - adding, moving, upgrading, and customising rooms and corridors - could further this still.
Onante Shipyards gave rise to my first major writing project - what started as simply fleshing out a game's background quickly turned into a worldbuilding project of its own that now spans all of my game projects!
The 23rd Century
- Type: Worldbuilding
- Started: 2015
The setting takes place in the 23rd century - 2241, specifically - between the old worlds of Sol and several new frontier systems hundreds of light-years away. Rapid advancements in asteroid mining in the mid-21st century, and the abundance of rare-earth materials that followed, led to the acceleration of research and development in all fields. By 2150, humanity had achieved functional faster-than-light travel and had begun to settle new worlds... with many lessons learned from Earth.
Whilst many of the old Earth governments came together to form a confederation of colonies throughout the system and a new administration on Mars, others sought fresh starts further afield. Megacorporations followed suit, many instead seeking to implement their own technofeudalist fiefdoms away from prying eyes back home -- all of which fell in time.
One exception stands, however. The Aura Technology/Engineering Corporation, or AuraTEC, made landfall on the ocean world of Laone in 2153; over 400 light-years away from Sol, the first colonists were entirely cut off from the old world's problems and ideals. By the time a solid connection was formed between the old world and new, a strong culture of sustainability and cooperation had taken root, and AuraTEC handed over all governmental responsibilities to the Laone Local Group in 2170.
Laone's limited and largely rainforested land surface was left mostly untouched, with colony construction moving underground - sheer cliff faces and a handful of natural clearings were the prime targets for what little surface construction occurred. As of 2241, these small districts offer glimpses down into the deepest parts of a megacity of almost a billion people.
A few smaller things of note, borne of spur-of-the-moment microprojects and testing for my other game ideas.
...and more?
Some of my projects aren't safe for work, and as such won't be publicly linked here!
Without getting into too much detail, I also write kink microfiction and script items on other online social platforms. If these pique your interest, please contact me.